William F. Thorneloe, MD is a psychiatrist practicing in Atlanta since 1981, and in Smyrna since 1997. I began the Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Program at Crawford Long Hospital (Emory Midtown Hospital). I enjoy working with a variety of patients with medical problems as well as psychiatric conditions. My approach is to get to know a patient as well
Elise Psychological Services (EPS) provides an environment that aides in the healing process. We believe in a holistic approach to therapy, which may include a multi-disciplinary team and family involvement. We are created with unique abilities that are constantly under attack by these mountains of influence. Our challenge then is to move these mountains
John Lochridge is a child, adult and family psychiatrist who has been in private practice in Atlanta since 1983. He did his undergraduate work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and attained his medical degree at the Medical College of Georgia. He did his medical internship and psychiatric residency at the University of Colorado, where